Google is one of the vast and well known search engine and working place in the world. In the information technology world Google placed rank one for its first search engine. It has many products online till now. In which most of the people in the world hang out and can earn money from it. The employee which are working back end of google platform are google employees have greet salaries. The micro workers like us also can earn from google products as much as we can but we should know how to work with google products, otherwise west of time.
1. Google adsense is the advertising network of google by monetizing your products eg. your website , blog , youtube video and so on , can be very profitable all over the world. Great traffic on your monetized products can make huge but your monetized products have lesser traffic, it will not amaze you to earn huge. Still need to work hard for the great income.
2. Google Ad manager is the another advertising network of google. For billion of traffic in your products we suggest use this network rather than adsense . It has great revenue than adsense network. On both case , you need to verify your products by google and go through the adding code provided by both ad network and place into your products eg. website , blogger and your videos.
3. Google Ad mob is the mobile platform the apps available for android can be monetize by google ad mob by placing its adcode and admob number placing on your apps. These are direct payment to your countries bank account after providing your information. They all need pin verification after reaching threshold amount of earned money.
4. Gpay provides payment system by implementing on your products , it will receive your product money to its merchant account and easily be withdrawn to your bank.
5. Google play console is the platform of google from where we publish our android apps which is called google playstore . After monetizing your app we can publish the app after $30 paying on play console and can earn as well if your apps become popular and generating the revenue after monetizing with admob.
6. Google search console is the google products which let you to introduce your websites, blogs to its search engine. After verifying product owner , it will let your products into search index. Once your webpage , website or blog are indexed , it will be searched in google that is called search engine optimization. It will give traffic to your sites or blog or your videos and get more revenue.
7. Google ads is advertising network of google. Investor, which are launching new products and needs great traffic as much as you want can be provided by google ads network. First need investment and then later become profitable if your products is very needful to people across the world.
8. Blogger is the another blogger site making tools online by google . After master in blogging, people can earn through it after monetization.
9. Gmail is the another most useful products of google for email marketing and it is now categorize in google workplace where people can send receive messages anywhere.
10. Youtube is now well known google platform for watching video and by creating channel and using youtube studio people get rich earning from youtube after monetizing your channel by adsense program.
11. Google(earth) map is google product which is look like earth by locating your store locations and get touch with people get easily income from google map.
For more information go through the and on the right side corner there is nine dote , click on it and get all the products of google.
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