Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Missed Calls


It is not received call, when a telephone perform intentionally or by mistake . It is horrible when some in danger but receiver do not receive the telephone. Sometimes , someone wants to bluff the person then they will perform missed calls. It will let people to angry. In lovers when lover missed call to his or her they get playing around by missed calls and saying so sorry by not receiving phone calls.

Missed calls have been adopted as a method of mobile permission marketing, known as missed call marketing (MCM).  MCM campaigns take advantage of how cellular providers can deliver unlimited incoming calls and text messages: advertisements contain instructions for customers to make missed calls to a particular number. The number can be configured to automatically hang the caller when dialing.  The number then returns calls or texts with supplementary material, such as product information, offers, or sponsored celebrity messages. Advertisers can retain callers' phone numbers to create customer databases, which can be used for future engagement and analytics. 

MCM is a major practice in India, where it appeals to the country's cultural and economic environment. At least 90% of all cellular phone users in India are on prepaid services, feature phones are still common,  Internet access is not widely available in some rural areas , And following is market penetration for mobile broadband services.  Along with advertising, missed call numbers are also used for other services, such as telephone banking, as well as program listings and viewer votes by television channels. 

There are several companies that specialize in MCM, including Flashcall, VivaConnect, and Zipdial. The zipdial was popularized by cricket scores and missed call services for Anna Hazare's anti-corruption movement; The company was acquired by Twitter in 2015 for a price between US $ 20 and $ 40 million, after serving more than 415 million calls in its first three years of operation.  In 2014, social networking service Facebook announced that it would support missed call numbers as an ad format, with its advertisements in emerging markets such as Brazil, India, Indonesia and South Africa. As part of the effort to grow the business. The company partnered with ZipDial and later VivonConnect to offer this service. 

In 2013, Hindustan Unilever launched Cannes Khajura Tesan (earworm radio), a missed call service that plays blocks of Hindi entertainment content (such as Bollywood music and devotionals), intercepted with advertisements for the company's brands is. Unilever aimed the service as a way to engage consumers in markets unaware of media and Internet communications (such as Bihar, where the service was described as the state's most popular "radio station"); By 2015, it had achieved 200 million raids. Companies that are not direct rivals of Unilever were also allowed to advertise on the service;  The campaign to promote the film Singham Returns through Cannes Khajura Tesan generated 1 calls million calls.  In 2014, Kan Khajura Tesan earned two Gold Cannes Lions in the media for "using audio" and "using mobile devices", and a third in mobile for "response / real time activity". In 2015, the campaign won the Bronze Lion for "Creative Effectiveness". 

MCM has faced criticism; Purani warned that "as the misuse of advertising leads to direct mail and telemarketing contributing to problems related to spamming, MCM runs the risk of being ingrained into marketing tools by a large number of phone users."  High-end brand. MCMs are considered unsuitable to target their respective markets.  Flashcall found that the concept was not viable in areas where missed calls were not an established social practice, such as the United States (where smartphones and mobile broadband are widely available). 

During the Indian anti-corruption movement in 2011, citizens could support Anna Hazare's campaign through a zip code. The number received 4.5 million calls, significantly increasing the number of Facebook likes and Twitter retweets that campaign posts received online. 

In January 2013, a protest was held against high mobile Internet rates in Bangladesh, with protesters exchanging millions of missed calls in an attempt to overload the cellular network simultaneously.

In 2014, the Aam Aadmi Party of India used missed call numbers for its recruitment drive. In less than a month, the line was used to recruit 700,000 new members. 

On 31 January 2016, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi's monthly radio address Mann Ki Baat became available on the phone through a missed call number. A government official said that from 31 January to 23 February 2016, more than 30 million calls were made, and 20 million unique calls were returned.

Missed calls have been used for fraudulent purposes in a scam called "Wangiri" or "One Ring and Cut". A scammer leaves a missed call using an international premium rate phone number, which tempts the recipient to call back and is charged as such.

Monday, August 28, 2017

Twomany ways to earn money from online

Fiverr : In February 2019, Fiverr acquired ClearVoice, a premium subscription-based content marketing platform. Founded in 2014 by Jay Swanson and Joe Griffin, ClearVoice is a venture-backed company headquartered in Phoenix, Arizona. Adding ClearVoice to the company's portfolio allows Fiverr to easily and consistently provide services for independent professionals as well as large businesses. 


Micah Kaufman is the co-founder and CEO of Fiaver. Before co-founding Fever, Micah Kaufman received an LLB. Degree from the University of Haifa and established several technology ventures including Keynesis, Invisia and Spotback.  In an interview with the German newspaper Handsblatt in 2018, Kauffman spoke before Fiever about his difficulties in finding freelancers as a customer: "Finding freelancers wasn't fun ...", " ... You meet friends for recommendations. " You can show each other work, you learn how much money you want for something. Everything is very time consuming. "

Kauffman writes in several publications including Wired, Entrepreneur, and Inc., where he has argued strongly in favor of the gig economy in which Fiever operates. In March 2018, he suggested that making Uber and the ride-hailing industry the poster child for all independent workers distorts a major economic and social trend. 

Kaufman has assumed a position in favor of a single-payer healthcare system in the United States, speculating that having universal healthcare could encourage potential entrepreneurs to jump from traditional employment to start their jobs . 

Fiverr allows listing and applying for small jobs, or gigs, online. The jobs listed are diverse and "get a well-designed business card to help with HTML, JavaScript, CSS, and jQuery".  Fiverr is a company that models the listing of temporary work positions Freelancers work in a variety of workplaces, from home to office. 

User demographics
The Fiverr market is dominated by young adults (only 2% of sellers are over 55 years old); The company stated that the rate of vendors aged 55-64 increased 375% at the end of the second quarter of the year compared to the first quarter of the second quarter of the year. 

Fiverr has received criticism for advertising very affordable graphic services. In late 2014, an advertisement on Fiverr's Facebook page stated that "you're paying too much for the design" which caused a public uproar. In 2013, Fiverr lifted the base price of five dollars and began allowing logo designers, graphic artists, voice over artists and other sellers to charge a base price for themselves.

In 2017, Fiverr was criticized for portraying ideals as being unhealthy and an overabundance in work behavior to live as ideals. 

In 2018, Fiverr received an "F" rating from the Better Business Bureau, the lowest grade that can be awarded. In 2019, Fiverr received a "B" rating after responding to customer complaints. 

On June 13, 2019, Fiverr listed the NYSE (New York Stock Exchange) under the symbol $ FVRR, trading 90% of its opening price on the first day of trading of the company, trading at $ 39.90. The stock quickly fell in price and as of 25 September 2019 the listed share price of Fiever is trading at $ 17.21 per share.

Fiverr was founded by Micha Kaufman and Shai Wininger, and was launched in February 2010. The founders came up with a marketplace concept that would provide people with a two-party platform to buy and sell a variety of digital services offered by freelance contractors. . Services offered on the site include writing, translation, graphic design, video editing, and programming.  Fiverr services start at US $ 5, and can go up to thousands of dollars with gig extras. Each service offered is called a "gig". 

The website was launched in early 2010 and by 2012 was hosting 1.3 million gigs.  Since 2011, website transaction volume has increased by 600%. In addition, has been ranked in the top 100 most popular sites in the United States and in the top 200 in the world since early 2013. 

On 1 June 2010, Fiverr received a US $ 1 million seed investment from Guy Gzu and other angel investors, and in May 2012, Fiverr received US $ 15 million in funding from Accel Partners and Bessemer Venture Partners, leading the company The total funding went to the US. $ 20 million. 

In December 2013, Fiverr released its iOS app in the Apple App Store,  and in March 2014, Fiverr released its Android app in the Google Play Store. 

During August 2014, Fiverr announced that it had raised US $ 30 million in a round of funding series from Bessemer Venture Partners, Excel (formerly known as Excel Partners) and other investors. This round brings their total funds to US $ 50 million.

In October 2015, initiated legal action against 1,114 Fiverr sellers, claiming to provide fake reviews on the US version of its website. Fiever did not dispute Amazon's allegations, saying: "As noted by Amazon, we have worked together to remove services that violate our Terms of Use, and any reports of inappropriate content Immediately responds. " 

In November 2015, Fiverr announced that it had raised US $ 60 million in a Series D round of funding led by Square Pay Capital. This round brings their total funding to $ 110 million.  At the same time, the company announced that it was allowing sellers the ability to price producers at prices above the original US $ 5 price, known as gigs. 

Sunday, August 27, 2017

Witch Craft

Witch craft is just the property of humans, you must keep fear and control under control. According to most people who do not know about the witch craft, it is a ghost. Which, he saw invisibly, they can only feel what they had in their imagination, terrible faces, weed clothes, for the most part are bleeds. But in fact, witch craft is a distinction of human kind, but they do not want to tell you about this property, if you are under them, they will never be satisfied with your work, will always scold you and disappoint you.
Witchcraft (or witchcraft) is the practice of magical skills and abilities. Witchcraft is a broad term that varies culturally and socially, and thus can be difficult to define with precision; Therefore, cross-cultural beliefs about the meaning or significance of the word should be applied with caution.

Historically, and currently in most traditional cultures around the world - particularly in Asia, South America, Africa, African diaspora and indigenous communities - the term has generally been associated with those who harm innocent people Use spiritual means for.  In the modern era, mainly in Western popular culture, the term can usually refer to the gentle, positive, or neutral practices of modern paganism,  Such as divination or spelling. 

Belief in witchcraft often exists within societies and groups whose cultural structures include a magical world view. Belief in the concept of witchcraft and its existence is sustained throughout recorded history. They have existed or been central to cultures and religions around the world at various times and in many diverse forms, including primitive and highly advanced cultures,  and still play an important role in many cultures today. 

Historically, the dominant concept of witchcraft in the Western world derives from the laws of the Old Testament against witchcraft, and entered the mainstream when belief in witchcraft gained church approval in the early modern period. This reflects a theosophical conflict between good and evil, where witchcraft was generally evil and often associated with devil and devil worship. This led to widespread witch-trials and witch-hunting (blamed for tyranny),  and many years of witch-hunting and witch-hunting, especially in Protestant Europe, of the European era. Finished before Enlightenment. In modern day Christian views are diverse and cover the gamut of ideas from deep faith and opposition (especially by Christian fundamentalists) to non-faith, and even approval in some churches. From the mid-20th century, witchcraft - sometimes referred to as contemporary witchcraft, to distinguish it clearly from earlier beliefs - became the name of a branch of modern paganism. It is most prevalent in Wikken and modern witchcraft traditions, and is no longer practiced in secrecy. 

The Western mainstream Christian view is far from the only sociological view of witchcraft. Extensive practices and cultural beliefs continue in many cultures throughout the world, translated into English as "witchcraft", although the English translation provides a place for their forms, magical beliefs, practices, and place in their societies There is a huge variety. During the era of colonialism, many cultures around the world were exposed to colonialism in the modern Western world, usually before intensive Christian missionary activity (see "Christianization"). Beliefs in these cultures that were related to witchcraft and magic were influenced by the prevailing Western concepts of the time. Witch-hunting, scapegoats, and the murder or witchcraft of suspected witches still occur in the modern era. 

Due to beliefs about the disease caused by witchcraft, the suspicion of modern medicine also continues in many countries even today, which has sad health consequences. HIV / AIDS  and Ebola virus disease  are two examples of the often-fatal infectious disease epidemic, whose medical care and prevention have been severely hampered by regional beliefs in witchcraft. Other serious medical conditions whose treatment is thus interrupted include tuberculosis, leprosy, epilepsy and the common severe bacterial Burley ulcer.

The word witch is of uncertain origin. There are many derivatives that can be derived from it. A popular belief is that it relates to the English words "wit, intelligent, wisdom [Germanic root * weit-, * wait- * wit-; Indo-European origin * weid-, * woid-, * wide-];" Hence "craft of the wise." Another is from Old English, a compound of "witch" ("witch") and "crate" ("craft").

It is argued that the healing arts played an important and sometimes important role in seventeenth-century New England witchcraft disputes. Not only were physicians and surgeons the key professional arbiters for determining natural versus unnatural signs and symptoms of illness, they occupied key legislative, judicial, and ministerial roles related to witchcraft proceedings. The names of six male physicians, surgeons, and apothecaries belong to New England witchcraft in court scripts or other contemporary source materials. These physicians worked on interrogation of coroners, performed autopsy, testified, issued writ, wrote letters, or sent people to prison in addition to diagnosing and treating patients. Some physicians are referred to as having just passed.
Belief in malicious magic practices exists, such practitioners are generally considered prohibited by law and hated and feared by the general population, while beneficial magic is tolerated or accepted by people - even if conservative The establishment opposes this. 

spell casting
See also: Magic (Paranormal)
Probably the most widely known feature of a witch was the ability to cast a spell, the term "spelling" used to denote the means employed to perform a magical action. A mantra may include a set of words, a sutra or poem, or a ritual verb, or any combination of these.  Spells were traditionally given by several methods, such as by the inscription of a run or sigil on an object to give magical power to that object; By immersion or bonding of a person's wax or clay image (poppet) to magically affect them; By recitation of the Bhasmas; By performing physical rituals; By the employment of magical herbs in the form of amulets or potions; For purposes of divination by glass, sword or other divination (peek); And many other means. 

Necromancy (grooming the dead)
Strictly speaking, "necromancy" is the practice of mixing the souls of the dead for speculation or prophecy - though the term is also applied to raise the dead for other purposes. The biblical witch of Endor performed it (1 Sam. 28), and it is in the midst of the witch's practice, condemned by Yunsham of Yunsham: 28  "The witches still cross-road and with themselves Go to the burial call out deceptive magic and the devil, and he comes to the likeness of the man who is buried there, as if it arises from death. "

Main article: Daemonology
In Christianity and Islam [citation needed], sorcery was combined with heretics and apostasy and viewed as evil. Between Catholics, Protestants, and the secular leadership of the European late medieval / early modern period, apprehension about witchcraft rose to a fever pitch and sometimes led to rampant witch-hunting. The major century was the fifteenth, which saw a dramatic rise in witchcraft and witchcraft terror, culminating in the publication of Malles Maleficarum, but produced by staunch fanatics such as Bernardino of Siena.  In total, tens or hundreds of thousands of people were executed, and others were imprisoned, tortured, deported, and confiscated land and property. Most of those accused were women, although in some areas the majority were men.  In early modern Scots, the term warlock is used as a male equivalent of a witch (which may be male or female, but is used primarily for women). 

Maelles melficherum, (Latin for "Witch of the Witch") was a witch-hunting manual written in 1486 by two German monks, Heinrich Kramer and Jacob Spranger. It was used by both Catholics and Protestants [38] for several hundred years, describing how a witch is identified, what makes a woman more likely than a man to be a witch, how a witch is on trial. How to be kept and punished The book defines a witch as evil and usually female. The book became the handbook for secular courts in Renaissance Europe, but was not used by Inquisition, which also warned against relying on the work. 

White witches
Main article: White Witch
More information: Folk Religion, Magical Thinking, and Laborism

A painting at the Rila Monastery in Bulgaria, sorcery and condemnation of traditional folk magic
During the early modern period, the English word "witch" was not particularly negative in meaning, and could also indicate clever folk. As Alan Macfarlane stated, "There were many interchangeable words for these practitioners, 'white', 'good', or 'unbinding' witches, blessings, sorcerers, magicians, though 'cunning-man' and 'wise-man'" Most often. " Contemporary Reginald Scott explained," To this day in the English language it is indifferent to say, 'She is a witch' or 'She is a wise woman. "

Thursday, August 24, 2017


The universe is a place where a lot of mass is being suspended by gravitational pull in which many galaxies exist. According to the big bang theory, our universe is expanding. The Milky Way is one of the galaxies in which our Earth is present. The distance between two months is calculated in light years. It is far away, from one mass to another. Nowadays, scientists are finding another world like Earth. Man, the first time the moon reached mass, he was almost from America. Now, they are moving towards Mars, which is called Red Planet. The robot is sent there to investigate. The Universe (Latin: Universal) is space and time and their contents,  including planets, stars, galaxies and all other forms of matter and energy. While the spatial size of the entire universe is unknown,  it is possible to measure the size of the observable universe, which is currently estimated to be 93 billion light years in diameter. In various multivariate hypotheses, a universe is one of many multiple choices  that are constituent parts of a larger plural, which itself includes space and time and its contents;  As a result, the Univers universe and hyp multiverse are synonymous with such principles.

The earliest cosmological models of the universe were developed by ancient Greek and Indian philosophers and were geostationary at the center. Over the centuries, more accurate astronomical observations inspired Nicholas Copernicus to develop heliocentric models with the Sun at the center of the solar system. In developing the law of universal gravitation, Isaac Newton produced the work of Copernicus as well as Johannes Kepler's laws of planetary motion and observations by Tycho Brahe.

Further observational corrections led to the realization that the Sun is one of the billions of stars in the Milky Way, one of at least hundreds of billions of galaxies in the universe. Many stars in our galaxy have planets. On the largest scale, galaxies are evenly and uniformly distributed in all directions, meaning that the universe has neither an edge nor a center. At smaller scales, galaxies are distributed in clusters and superclusters that form immense fibers and deflections in space, forming a massive foam-like structure.  Discoveries in the early 20th century have suggested that the universe was the beginning and the place has been expanding since then,  and it is currently expanding at an increasing rate. 

The Big Bang theory is the prevailing cosmic description of the evolution of the universe. Under this theory, space and time together 13. theory 6 ago.021 billion years ago emerged and the energy and matter initially present became less dense as the universe expanded. At about 10 seconds32 seconds after an initial accelerated expansion is called the Inflationary Age, and after the separation of the four known fundamental forces, the universe slowly cooled down and continued to expand, allowing the first sub-atomic particles and simple atoms. Got permission to make. Dark matter collects slowly, forming a foam-like structure of filaments and widows under the influence of gravity. Huge clouds of hydrogen and helium were slowly drawn to the places where the dark matter was most dense, in which galaxies, stars and everything else were seen first. It is possible to see objects that are now more than 13.799 billion light years away as space has expanded itself, and it is still expanding today. This means that objects that are now 46.5 billion light years away can still be seen in their farthest past, because in the past, when their light was emitted, they were very close to the Earth.

By studying the motion of galaxies, it has been discovered that the universe contains a lot of matter according to visible objects; Stars, Akash Ganges, Nebula and Interstellar Gas. This overlooked case is known as Dark Matter (Dark means that there is a lot of strong indirect evidence in it, but we have not yet come to know it directly). The OfCDM model is the most widely accepted model of our universe. This suggests that approximately 69.2 %% 1.2% of the mass and energy in the universe is a cosmological constant (or, in the expansion of MCDM, other forms of dark energy, such as scalar fields) responsible for current. . The expansion of space, and about 25.8% of space is 1.1% Dark Matter.  Ordinary ('Byronic') matter is only 4.84 %% 0.1%  of the physical universe.  Stars, planets, and visible gas clouds make up only 6% of normal matter or about 0.29% of the entire universe. The prevailing model for the development of the Universe is the Big Bang theory.  The Big Bang model states that the earliest state of the universe was an extremely hot and dense one, and that the universe later expanded and cooled. The model is based on general relativity and simplifies assumptions like space symmetry and isotopic. A version of the model with a cosmic constant (lambda) and cold dark matter, known as the lambda-CDM model, is the simplest model that provides a reasonably good account of various observations about the universe. The Big Bang model describes observations such as the relationship of distance and redistribution of galaxies, the ratio of the number of hydrogen in helium atoms and the microwave radiation background. The initial warm, dense state is called the Planck epoch, a brief period extending from zero to a Planck time unit from a time of about 10 seconds43 seconds. During the Planck era, all types of matter and all types of energy were concentrated in a dense state, and gravity - currently the weakest of the four known forces - is believed to be strong like other fundamental forces, and all forces are May have been integrated. Since the Planck era, space has been expanding at its current scale, with a very short but intense period of temporal inflation believed to have occurred within the first 10–32 seconds.  It was a type of expansion, which we can see around us today. Objects did not physically move in space; Instead of the metric defining the space itself changed. Although objects in spacetime cannot move faster than the speed of light, this limitation does not apply to metric governing spacetime itself. This early period of inflation is believed to explain why space appears to be very flat, and much larger than light can travel since the beginning of the universe.

Within the first part of a second of the universe's existence, the four fundamental forces were separated. As the universe cooled from its precarious hot state, a variety of sub-atomic particles became able to move in a short period of time known as the quark era, hadron age, and lepton age. Together, these eras included less than 10 seconds after the Big Bang. These elementary particles, including stable protons and neutrons, sometimes fused into larger combinations, which then formed more complex atomic nuclei through nuclear fusion. This process, known as Big Bang nucleosynthesis, lasted only about 17 minutes and ended about 20 minutes after the Big Bang, so only the fastest and simplest reactions occurred. About 25% of the protons and all neutrons of the universe, by mass, were converted to helium, with traces of deuterium (a form of hydrogen) and lithium in small amounts. Any other element was produced only in very small quantities. The other 75% of the protons remained unaffected as hydrogen nuclei.

After nucleosynthesis ends, the universe is known as the photon era. During this period, the universe was still too hot for matter to form neutral atoms, so it contained a hot, dense, foggy plasma of negatively charged electrons, neutral neutrinos, and positive nuclei. After about 377,000 years, the universe had cooled down so much that electrons and nuclei could first form stable atoms. This is known as recombination for historical reasons; In fact, electrons and nuclei were combining for the first time. Unlike plasma, neutral atoms are transparent to many wavelengths of light, so for the first time the universe also became transparent. The released photons ("decodes") when these atoms are formed can still be seen today; They form the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB).

As the universe expands, the energy density of electromagnetic radiation decreases more rapidly than that of matter because the energy of a photon decreases with its wavelength. In about 47,000 years, the energy density of matter became larger than that of photons and neutrinos, and began to dominate the large-scale behavior of the universe. This marked the end of the radiation-dominant era and the beginning of the substance-dominated era.

In the early stages of the universe, dark matter concentrations slowly began to form due to small fluctuations within the density of the universe. Ordinary materials, which are attracted to them by gravity, form large gas clouds and, eventually, stars and galaxies, where the dark matter was most dense, and where it was least dense. After about 100 - 300 million years, the first star was formed, known as Population III star. These were probably very large, shiny, non-metallic and ephemeral. They were responsible for the gradual recombination of the universe between about 200–500 million years and 1 billion years, and also for the planting of a universe with elements heavier than helium through stellar nucleosynthesis.

Tuesday, August 22, 2017


Death is the end of life, biologically it is breath and the heart is completely closed. Sometimes it is usually said "I died". It does not mean physically dead, it is just literally dead, it means the end of desires, the way, the end of words. According to Indian thought, after death, they all become stars on the sky. Every parent, they told their children that their guardians all become stars and they are watching us.

Refers to a scenario when a living creature is able to survive all disasters, but eventually dies due to reasons related to old age. Animal and plant cells normally reproduce and function during the entire period of natural existence, but the aging process arises from deterioration of cellular activity and ruining routine functioning. The cells' aptitude for gradual degradation and mortality means that cells are naturally punished for stable and long-term loss of living abilities despite continuing metabolic reactions and viability. For example, in the United Kingdom, nine out of ten deaths on a daily basis are related to senescence, while worldwide it accounts for two-thirds of the 150,000 deaths per day (Haflik & Mikki , 2003).

Almost all animals that survive external threats to their biological functioning eventually die of biological aging, known as life science "senes". Some organisms experience negligible senes, even demonstrating biological immortality. These include the jellyfish Turitopsis doherney, Hydra, and planar. Unnatural causes of death include suicide and predation. For all reasons, around 150,000 people die every day worldwide.  Of these, two-thirds die directly or indirectly from senescence, but in industrialized countries - such as the United States, United Kingdom, and Germany - the rate reaches 90% (ie, of all deaths Nine out of ten are related to nine) old age). 

Physical death is now seen as a process, more than an event: conditions once considered a sign of death are now reversible.  Where a dividing line is drawn between life and death in the process depends on factors beyond the presence or absence of vital signs. In general, clinical death is neither necessary nor sufficient for the determination of legal death. A patient with heart and lungs determined to be brain dead can be legally declared dead without clinical death. As scientific knowledge and medical advances advance, it becomes more difficult to formulate an accurate medical definition of death. 

The concept of death is an important event of human understanding.  The concept has many scientific perspectives and various interpretations. Additionally, there are a number of criteria to define the advent of life-medicine and death from both a medical and legal point of view, making it difficult to create a single integration definition.

One challenge in defining death is to separate it from life. As a point, death refers to the moment at which life ends. Determining when a death has occurred is difficult, as end-of-life activities often do not occur together in organ systems.  Such determination requires drawing precise conceptual boundaries between life and death. This is difficult due to very little consensus on how to define life.

It is possible to define life in terms of consciousness. When consciousness ceases, a living organism may be asked to die. One of the drawbacks of this approach is that there are many organisms that are alive, but probably not conscious (for example, single-celled organisms). Another problem is in defining consciousness, which has many different definitions given by modern scientists, psychologists and philosophers. Additionally, many religious traditions, including Abraham and religious traditions, believe that death can (or may not) end consciousness. In some cultures, death is more of a process than an event. It means a slow change from one spiritual state to another. 

Other definitions of death focus on the character of ending something.  More specifically, death occurs when a living entity experiences an irreversible cessation of all functioning.  As it relates to human life, death is an irreversible process where one loses one's existence as a person. 

There are many anecdotes of people being declared dead by doctors and then "coming back to life", sometimes a few days later in their own coffin, or when the excretion process is about to begin. From the mid-18th century, there was an upsurge in the fear of being accidentally buried alive in public,  and there was much debate about the uncertainty of signs of death. Several suggestions were made to test for signs of life before burial, including putting pepper and pepper in vinegar to the feet or applying red hot pokers to the rectum.  Writing in 1895, Doctor J. C. Owsley claimed that 2,700 people were buried prematurely each year in England and Wales, although others estimated the figure to be closer to 800. 

In cases of electric shock, cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) for an hour or more may allow the numbing nerves to recover, allowing an apparently dead person to live. People found unconscious under icy water can survive if their faces are kept cool until they arrive in the emergency room. This "diving response", in which metabolic activity and oxygen requirements are minimal, occurs with some humans who share with the Cimatian what is called the mammalian diving reflex. 

As medical technologies move forward, when death occurs, ideas may have to be reevaluated in light of the ability to restore vitality to a person after a long period of apparent death (as happened when CPR and defibrillation have Showed that cessation of heartbeat is an insufficient indicator of death). Lack of electrical brain activity may not be enough to consider someone scientifically dead. Therefore, the concept of information-theorist death  has been suggested as a better means of defining when true death occurs, although the concept has some practical applications outside the field of cryonics.

There have been few scientific attempts to bring dead organisms back to life, but with limited success. In science fiction scenarios where such technology is readily available, actual death is distinguished from reversible death.

Infectious diseases are the leading cause of human death in developing countries. The major causes in developed countries are atherosclerosis (heart disease and stroke), cancer and obesity and other diseases related to aging. By an extremely wide margin, biological aging is the largest integrated cause of death in the developed world,  known as aging-associated diseases. These conditions lead to loss of homeostasis, which leads to cardiac arrest, which leads to a decrease in the supply of oxygen and nutrients, leading to irreversible degradation of the brain and other tissues. Around two-thirds of the approximately 150,000 people who die every day worldwide die of age-related causes. In industrialized countries, the ratio is very high, close to 90%.  With improved healing ability, dying has become a manageable condition. Home deaths, once common, are now rare in the developed world.

American children smoke in 1910. Tobacco smoking caused an estimated 100 million deaths in the 20th century. 
In developing countries, inferior sanitary conditions and lack of access to modern medical technology make deaths from infectious diseases more common than in developed countries. One such disease is tuberculosis, a bacterial disease that killed 1.8M people in 2015.  Malaria causes 400–900M cases of fever and 3–3M deaths annually.  By 2025, the death toll from AIDS in Africa can reach 90–100 meters. 

According to Jean Ziegler (United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food, 2000 - March 2008), the death rate due to malnutrition accounted for 58% of the total mortality in 2006. Ziegler says that around 62M people worldwide died of all causes and of those people. More than 36M people died of hunger or diseases due to micronutrient deficiency. 

The World Smoking Organization warned in a World Health Organization report that 100 million people died worldwide in the 20th century and 1 billion people in the 21st century. 

Many major developed world causes of death can be postponed by diet and physical activity, but the rapid occurrence of disease with age still imposes limitations on human longevity. The evolutionary cause of aging is, at best, only a start to be understood. It has been suggested that direct intervention in the aging process may now be the most effective intervention against the leading causes of death.

Selye proposed a unified non-specific approach to multiple causes of death. They demonstrated that stress decreases the adaptability of an organism and proposes to describe adaptability as a particular resource, adaptation energy. The animal dies when this resource is exhausted.  Selye considered that adaptability is a finite supply, which is presented at birth. Later, Goldstone proposed the concept of production or income of optimization energy.

Saturday, August 19, 2017



Hi everybody, after flood disaster, most of the people survived and they have lack of house , food, medications. Too many funds are collected and now resolving the problem by nations.This is huge disaster , but now it is recovering.A flood is an overflow of water that usually submerges dry land. In the sense of "flowing water", the term can also be applied to the flow of tides. Flood discipline is an area of ​​study of hydrology and is of significant concern in agriculture, civil engineering and public health.

Flood water can occur as an overflow of water bodies, such as a river, lake, or ocean, in which the water is overweight or broken, resulting in some water escaping from its normal limits, or may be caused by There is accumulation of rainwater on saturated land in a regional flood. While the size of a lake or other body of water will vary with seasonal variations in rainfall and snow melt, these changes in size will not be considered significant unless they submerge flood property or domestic animals.

Flooding in rivers can also occur when the flow rate exceeds the capacity of the river channel, especially in waterways or bends. Floods often damage homes and businesses if they are in the natural floodplains of rivers. While the damage caused by river floods can be eliminated by moving away from rivers and other bodies of water, people traditionally live and work near rivers because the land is usually flat and fertile and because of the rivers Provides easy travel and access to commerce and industry.

Some floods develop slowly, while others may develop in only a few minutes and without visible signs of rain. Additionally, flooding can be local, affecting a neighborhood or community, or very large, entire river valleys.

Flooding or flooding in low-lying areas can occur when the water supply is more rapid than rain or snow, causing it to infiltrate or escape. The excess accumulates in space, sometimes to dangerous depths. Surface soils can become saturated, effectively preventing infiltration, where the water table is shallow, such as floodplains, or a series of one to one intense rains or storms. Infiltration through land, rock, concrete, paving or roofs is also negligible. Regional flooding begins in flat areas like floodplains and is not associated with a stream channel in local sediments, as the velocity of overland flow depends on the surface slope. Areas may experience flooding during periods when the endoreic basin exceeds precipitation. 

Riverine (Channel)
All types of river and streams are flooded, ranging from small almanac streams to humid areas in moderately arid channels to the largest rivers in the world. When overland flow occurs on inclined fields, it can result in a dirty flood where sediment is lifted from the runway and transported as suspended matter or bed load. Localized flooding can be caused or caused by drainage obstructions such as landslides, ice, debris or beaver dams.

Slow floods occur most frequently in large rivers with large catchment areas. The increase in flow can be the result of continuous rainfall, rapid snow melt, monsoon, or tropical cyclones. However, large rivers can cause rapid flooding in areas with dry climates, as they may have large basins but small river channels and rains can be very intense in small areas of those areas.

Rapid flooding events, including flash floods, occur more often along small rivers, steep valleys, rivers that flow for their length over impenetrable terrain or normally dry channels. This may be due to localized convective rainfall (intense thunderstorms) or a sudden release from a dam, landslide, or upstream impoundment behind a glacier. In one example, a flood killed eight people enjoying water Sunday afternoon at a popular waterfall in the narrow valley. With no rain, the flow rate increased from about 50 to 1,500 cubic feet per second (1.4 to 42 m3 / s) in just one minute. Within a week, two major floods occurred at the same place, but in those days no one was in the waterfall. Thunderstorms caused fatal flooding on a part of the deluge basin, where steep, bare rock slopes are common, and thin soil was already saturated.

Dry flooding is generally the most common type of flooding in arid regions, known by Arrios and many others in the southwestern United States. In that setting, the first floodwater is exhausted as it drains the sandy stream. Thus the leading edge of the flooding moves more slowly later than the subsequent flow. As a result, the growing limbs of the hydrograph become ever faster as the flood progresses downstream, until the flow rate is so great that water becomes negligible as the soil becomes wet.

Floods are usually caused by floods and low barometric pressure and large waves flowing over the river.Urban flooding is the flooding of land or property, particularly in more densely populated areas, which increases the capacity of drainage systems due to rain, such as storm sewers. Although sometimes triggered by events such as flash flooding or snowmelt, urban flooding is a condition characterized by its repetitive and systemic effects on communities, whether they are located within or around water in any affected watershed or Do not be affected. In addition to the possible overflow of rivers and lakes, icy water, stormwater, or water from damaged water can accumulate on property and in public rights, seep through building walls and floors, or sewer pipes, Can backup in buildings through toilets and sinks. .

In urban areas, the impact of flooding can be reduced by existing paved roads and roads, increasing the speed of running water. The forced surface prevents rain from infiltrating into the ground, preventing higher surface runoff that may exceed local drainage capacity. 

Flood flow in urbanized areas is a threat to both population and infrastructure. Some recent catastrophes include floods of N (mes (France) in 1998 and Vaison-la-Romain (France) in 1992, floods of New Orleans (USA) in 2005 and floods in Rockhampton, Bundaberg, Brisbane during 2010–2011 . Summer in Queensland (Australia). Despite several centuries of flood events, the flow of floods in urban environments has been relatively studied.  Some recent research has shown individuals in flooded areas The criteria for safe evacuation is considered. 

Flooding river floods are usually associated with failure of large infrastructure facilities such as dam collapses, but they can also be caused by drainage channel modifications from landslides, earthquakes, or volcanic eruptions. Examples include flooding and flooding. Tsunamis can cause catastrophic coastal flooding, which is usually caused by earthquakes.

The amount, location, and timing of water determines the flow from natural rainfall to a drainage channel and to the locations of controlled or uncontrolled reservoir release drift. Some precipitation evaporates, some slowly spreads through the soil, some may be temporarily sequenced as snow or ice, and some surfaces including rock, pavement, roofs and saturated or frozen ground Can cause rapid runoff from. The fraction of incident precipitation immediately reaches a drainage channel that has been observed from indigo to 170 percent higher rainfall on dry, flat ground for warmer rain on accumulated snow. 

Most rainfall records are based on the measured depth of water obtained within a given time interval. The frequency of a rainfall range of interest can be determined by the number of measurements that exceed the threshold value within the total period for which observations are available. Individual data points are converted to intensity by dividing each measured depth by a period of time between observations. This intensity would be less than the intensity of the actual peak if the duration of the rainfall event was less than the set time interval for which measurements are reported. Sensory rainfall events (thunderstorms) produce shorter duration storm events than geographic rainfall. The duration, intensity, and frequency of rainfall events are important for predicting floods. Within small drainage basins it is more important to decrease the duration of floods. 

The most important fluctuating factor in determining flood magnitude is the land area of ​​the upstream area of ​​interest. The intensity of rainfall is the second most important factor for a water area of ​​about 30 square miles or less than 80 square kilometers. The main channel slope is the second most important factor for large watersheds. Channel slope and rainfall intensity become the third most important factors for small and large watersheds, respectively. 

The interruption time is the time required for runoff from the farthest point of the upstream drainage area to control the area of ​​interest in reaching the point of the drainage channel. The time of concentration defines the critical period of extreme rainfall for the region of interest.  The critical period of intense rainfall may be only a few minutes for the roof and drainage structures of the parking lot, while the cumulative rainfall over several days will be important for river ghats.

Tuesday, August 15, 2017



Is there any kind of problem , who got to help you?  friends , humanity , people, relatives. Yes,  that is called family and in that case your family is strong. Any kind of functions, they all be participated.In the context of human society, a family (from Latin: familia) is a group of related people who are either by consensus (by recognized birth), intimacy (by marriage or other relationship), or co-habitation (as an etymology). Contained in) the English word "family")  or some combination of these. The purpose of families is to maintain the well being of their members and society. Ideally, families would offer predictability, structure, and security as they mature and participate in the community.  In most societies, this occurs within families. Children acquire socialization for life outside the family. Additionally, as a basic unit to meet the basic needs of its members, it provides a sense of boundaries to function in a safe environment, ideally building a person into a functional adult, culture. Transmits, and ensures the continuity of mankind with the precedent of knowledge. .

Anthropologists usually classify most family organizations as matriarchal (a mother and their children); Patriarchal (a father and his children); Conjugation (a wife, her husband and children, also known as nuclear family); avuncular (for example, a grandparent, a brother, his sister and his children); Or extended (parents and children live with other members of a parent's family).

Members of the immediate family may include spouses, parents, grandparents, brothers, sisters, sons, and daughters.  Extended family members may include aunts, uncles, cousins, nephews, nieces, and siblings.  Sometimes they are also considered members of the immediate family, depending on a person's specific relationship with them.  Sexual relations between members are regulated by rules related to incest such as incest.

The term "families" can be used as a metaphor to create more inclusive categories such as community, nationalism, global village, and humanism.

The purpose of genealogy is to trace family lineages through history.

The family is an important economic unit studied in family economics.

One of the primary functions of the family involves providing a framework for the production and reproduction of individuals biologically and socially. This can occur through the sharing of physical substances (such as food); Giving and receiving care and nutrition (nutritional kinship); Judicial rights and obligations; And moral and emotional relationships.  Thus, one's family experience changes over time. From the children's point of view, the family is a "family of orientation": the family functions to locate children socially and plays a major role in their humiliation and socialization.  From the point of view of the parents (s), the family is a "family of purchases", which aims to produce, insult and socialize children.  However, having children is not the only function of the family; In societies with labor, marriage, and the resulting relationship between two people, it is necessary to build an economically productive household. 

Christopher Harris noted that the Western conception of the family is ambiguous and entangled with the homemaker, as has been encountered in the various contexts in which the term is used.  Olivia Harris stated that this confusion is not accidental, but a sign of the family ideology of capitalist, Western countries that pass social laws that urge members of a nuclear family to live together, and which do not belong Are, they should not stick together; Despite ideological and legal pressures, a large percentage of families do not conform to the ideal nuclear family type. 

Although early Western cultural anthropologists and sociologists universally considered family and kinship to be a relationship with "blood" (based on general ideas in their cultures), later research has shown that many societies consider living together Understand family through. Food sharing (eg milk kinship) and care and nutrition sharing. Sociologists are of particular interest in the function and status of family forms in stratified (especially capitalist) societies. 

According to the scholarly work of Max Weber, Alan Macfarlane, Steven Ozment, Jack Goody, and Peter Lellet, the enormous change that modern marriages caused in Western democracies was "initiated by a religious-cultural system provided by elements of Judaism. Was done, early Christianity., Roman Catholic Canon Law and the Protestant Reformation "

Many sociological, historical, and anthropological research dedicate itself to understanding this change and to the change in the family that builds over time. Leviton claims:

"Times have changed; it is more acceptable and encouraged for mothers to work and spend more time at home with children. The way roles are balanced between parents is for children. Helps to grow and learn valuable life lessons. Role Communication and equality are of great importance in families to avoid stress. 

The term "nuclear family" is commonly used in the United States, especially in the United States. A "conjugated" family includes only spouses and unmarried children who are not of age.  Some sociologists  Differentiate between conjugated families (relatively independent of parental kindness and in other families in general?) And nuclear families (which are relatively close with their own kind Maintain relationships)  Other family structures (for example) mixed parents, single parents and domestic partnerships - have challenged the generality of the nuclear family. Has started. 

A single-parent family consists of a parent with their children, where the parents are widowed, divorced (and not remarried), or never married. Parents may have full protection of the children, or individual parents may have a shared-parental arrangement, where children spend their time (possibly equally) with two different single-parents Divide between families or between a single-parent family and a mixed family. Compared to sole custody, children's physical, mental, and social well-being can be improved by having a system of shared parenting and greater access for both parents by children.  The number of single-parent families [when?] Is increasing, and nearly half of all children in the United States are single-parent at some point before reaching the age of 18. Will live in the family.  Most single-parent families are headed by a single mother, but the number of single-parent families headed by a father is increasing. 

Matriarchal family
Main article: Matriarchal family
A "matrifocal" family consists of a mother and her children. Generally, these children are her biological offspring, although adoption of children is a practice in almost every society. This type of family usually occurs where women have the resources to raise their children by themselves, or where men are more mobile than women. As a definition, "a family or household group matures when focused on a woman and her children. In this case, the father (s) of these children are intermittently present in the life of the group and a secondary place. Occupy. The mother of the children is not necessarily the father of one of the children. "

Monday, August 14, 2017

Flood in terai region


Most of the district of Nepal are affected by flood , around 70 people were died , 50 people misplaced 34 thousands houses are under water. Because of , heavy rain since 3 days raining in Nepal had done huge destruction. For protection, i would like to request to my viewers, please help us.Some friends of mine the other day posted pictures showing the rampaging floods in Birtamod, the main market of Jhapa. Flood water has drowned all the roads and streets besides inundating the ground floors of almost all the buildings.

The water of the Aduwa River was flowing over a section of the East-West Highway, bringing vehicular movement to a complete halt. The small rivulet, Aduwa, that flows down from the western part of the city has inundated the settlements below the East-West Highway.

The locals were shown crossing the flooded roads by rolling up their trousers to their knees as the water level in the entire city is at least three feet high. In some open spaces, the floods were as expansive as the big rivers, as if the pictures were those of rivers, not of the booming town of eastern Terai. The play grounds of the local schools and colleges were submerged by the floodwaters.

Indeed, my friends tried their best to take the best picture of the flood in their city with their mobile phones and uploaded them on facebook. All the locals were worried by the rising water level around their homes, and are now waiting for the floodwater to recede.

Not only Birtamod, other towns and many villages of this district have also been inundated badly, in which one man was killed and two others were swept away. The security personnel rescued a few children who had climbed up the trees to save themselves from the floods. Many areas in Bhadrapur, Kumarkhod, Surunga, Gauradaha and Damak have also been inundated.

The Kankai, the largest river of Jhapa, has inundated many settlements in the southern part of the district while the situation in neighboring Morang district is no different. Likewise, the residents living near the Koshi River in Sunsari and Saptari districts are living under constant fear with the rising level of water in the Koshi and other rivers. Gobargada, a VDC in Saptari, has already been cut off from other villages by the floods.

Of course, inundation is common in the Terai during the monsoon rains. When there is heavy rain, most of the areas go under water, and when there is no rain in the monsoon, the farmers cannot transplant paddy. Hence rain becomes both a boon and bane for the people of the Terai. The rivers and streams, which remain without water during the entire dry season, are blamed for causing inundation while the city areas get flooded due to lack of a proper drainage system. But this time, the eastern Terai received such heavy rainfall that no drainage system could cope with it.

There are a few people who claim that excessive exploitation of natural sources like sand and boulders from the Chure region has caused the floods in the Terai. This, however, may not be the only reason. Again there is no Chure hill in Jhapa, yet the district was hit worst by the floods this year.

There were also a few news reports which blamed the Chure Conservation Program for the floods. According to them, sedimentation on the riverbeds resulted due to the ban on extracting sand from the rivers, and that caused the floods. Yes, the water holding capacity of the Koshi Barrage has decreased due to sedimentation, but such claims do not hold water regarding other rivers.

Little has been done to prevent damages from the floods over the years. The problem of inundation could be reduced to a great extent simply by building embankments on either side of all streams and rivulets causing destruction in the rainy season. By building embankments on these rivers, we can save a big area of ​​arable land in the Terai from becoming barren.

Sunday, August 13, 2017


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Recommended: See Best Paid GPT Sites
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People may not know about dancing. Define dancing ? oh! common, it is taken from great animated movie <WALLI>while axonium was in space. They don't know about dancing. The captain, asked with computer, Define dancing? That movie is so great and they are living in different world. Its amazing. Dance is a performance art consisting of purposefully selected scenes of human movement. The movement has aesthetic and symbolic value, and is accepted as a dance by artists and observers within a particular culture.  Dance can be classified by its choreography and can be described by demonstrations of movements, or at its historical period or place. Original.

An important distinction has to be drawn between references to theatrical and participatory dances,  although these two categories are not always completely different; Both can have special functions, whether social, formal, competitive, erotic, martial, or sacred / literary. Other forms of human movement are sometimes called dance-like quality, including martial arts, gymnastics, cheerleading, figure skating, synchronized swimming, marching bands, and many other forms of athletics.

Theatrical dance, also known as a performance or concert dance, is performed primarily as a spectacle, usually performed by chromosome dancers on a stage. It often tells a story, perhaps using mimes, costumes and visuals, or it can only explain musical accompaniment, often composed exclusively. Examples are western ballet and modern dance, classical Indian dance and Chinese and Japanese song and dance drama. Most classical forms focus on dance alone, but performance dance can also appear in opera and other forms of musical theater.

Participatory dance, on the other hand, whether it is folk dance, social dance, group dance such as line, circle, series or square dance, or participant dance such as is common in Western Western ballroom dance, is initiated. Primarily for a general purpose, such as social interaction or exercise, for the audience rather than the participants. Such dances are rarely a fiction. A group dance and a corps de ballet, a social companion dance and a dice de dukes, vary deeply. Even a solo dance can be performed only to the satisfaction of the dancer. Participant dancers often all employ the same movements and stages but, for example, in the stuttering culture of electronic dance music, huge crowds may engage in free dance, which is uncooperative with those around them. On the other hand, some cultures have strict rules in the form of special dances, in which, for example, men, women and children should participate.

Archaeological evidences for the early dance include dance figures, dated c, in the rock shelters of Bhimbetka and Egyptian tomb paintings dating back 9,000 years in India. 3300 BC It has been proposed that before the invention of written languages, dance was an important part of oral and performance methods of passing stories from one generation to another. The use of dance in ecstatic trance states and medical rituals (as seen in many contemporary "primitive" cultures, from the Brazilian rainforest to the Kalahari desert) is believed to be another early factor in the social development of dance . 

References to dance can be found very early in recorded history; The Greek dance (Horos) is mentioned by Plato, Aristotle, Plutarch and Lucian.  The Bible and the Talmud refer to many events related to dance, and contain more than 30 different dance words.  In Chinese pottery as early as the Neolithic period, groups of people are represented dancing in a line holding hands,  and the earliest Chinese word for "dance" was written in Oracle bones is.  The dance is further described in Lushi Chankyou.  In ancient China, primitive dance was associated with sorcery and shameful rituals.

During the first millennium BCE in India, many texts were composed that attempted to codify aspects of daily life. Bharata Muni's Natyashastra (literally "text of theatricality") is one of the earlier texts. It mainly deals with drama, in which dance plays an important role in Indian culture. It classifies dance into four types - secular, ritual, abstract and, interpretive - and into four regional varieties. The text elaborates various hand-gestures (mudras) and classifies the movements of various limbs, steps and so on. Since modern times, there has been a strong continuous tradition of dance in India, where it plays a role in culture, rituals and especially in the Bollywood entertainment industry. Many other contemporary dance forms can also be seen as historical, traditional, formal and ethnic dances.

The dance is generally, although not exclusively, performed to the accompaniment of music and may or may not be performed in time for such music. Some dances (such as tap dance) may provide their own audio accompaniment in place of (or in addition to) music. Many early forms of music and dance were composed for each other and are often performed together. Notable examples of traditional dance / music couplings include jig, waltz, tango, disco and salsa.

Rhythm and dance have a deep connection in history and practice. American dancer Ted Shawn wrote; "The concept of rhythm that underlies all studies of dance is something we can talk about forever, and still not finish."  A musical rhythm requires two main elements; The first is a regularly repeated pulse (also called "beat" or "tactus") that establishes a pattern of tempo and, second, a pattern of accents and rists that establish the character of the meter or the original rhythmic pattern is. The original pulse is approximately equal to the duration of a simple step or gesture.

Dances usually have a specific tempo and rhythmic pattern. Tango, for example, is usually danced in 2
4 times around 66 beats per minute. The original slow step, called "slow", lasts for one beat, so that a full "right-left" step equals a 2
4 measures. The dance's original back and forth moves are counted as "slow-quick" - while many additional figures are counted as "slow-quick-quick". 

Just as musical rhythms are defined by a pattern of strong and weak beats, repetitive body movements often depend on "strong" and "weak" muscle movements. Given this choice of forward-backward and rise-and-fall along with the bilateral symmetry of the human body, it is but natural that many dances and a lot of music are in duplex and quadrangular meters. However, some movements like this require more time in one stage than in another - such as a hammer requiring more time to bounce - some dance rhythms equally naturally in the triple meter Fall.  Sometimes, in Balkan folk dances, dance traditions rely on more complex rhythms. In addition, complex dances composed of a fixed sequence of steps always require phrases and melodies of a certain length with that sequence.

The very act of dancing, the steps themselves, produce a "primal skeleton of rhythmic beats" that must precede any different musical accompaniment, while dancing itself, as much as music, requires time-keeping  simply utilitarian Some of the quality of the dance as they become refined during repetitive movements such as walking, running and digging. 

Consistency of music originated first in dance, so that the ancient Egyptians attributed the origin of the dance to the divine Athotus, who was said to have accompanied the rituals of music to move the participants rhythmically and in proportional measure. Movements caused. The same idea, the dance that emanates from the rhythms of music, is still found in the Renaissance in the works of Dancing Master Guglielmo Ibero da Pesaro in Europe, who speaks of dance as a physical movement that arises and Inward expresses, the spiritual motion "agrees with the measures. And the perfect communion of harmony" which falls on the ear of a human being,  whereas, before that, MacDeild of Magdybild had called Jesus. Su capturing the dance as a symbol of sacred life, saying "I have piped and you have not danced",  writes;

As shown above, dance has been represented through the ages as has yet emerged as a reaction to music, as stated by Lincoln Kerstein, it is at least likely that primitive music originated from dance . Sean concert, stating that dance was "the first art of mankind, and the matrix from which all other arts grew" and that "in our poetry even today the meter is the result of the accents required by body movement, as in" dance. And singing was performed simultaneously "  an emphasis somewhat supported by the common use of the word" foot "to describe the fundamental rhythmic units of poetry.

Scholes, not a dancer, but a musician, provides support for this scene, stating that the music's static measure, in terms of two, three or four beats, has its equal and balanced phrases, regular rhythms, contrast and Repetition can all be attributed to the "impassable" effect of dance on music. 

Primarily mi Jacques-Dulcroz, primarily a musician and teacher, relates how a study of pianists' physical movements led them to "discover that musical sensations of a rhythmic nature call for the whole organism's muscular and nervous response." Tends to "develop". Regulating nerve responses and affecting the coordination of muscles and nerves Designed a special training "and finally" to find out the relationship between the art "of music art and dance, which he adapted his system lore. He concludes that "the rhythm of music is only to express emotion involuntarily and involuntarily in the tone of motion and dynamics". 

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