Sunday, August 13, 2017



People may not know about dancing. Define dancing ? oh! common, it is taken from great animated movie <WALLI>while axonium was in space. They don't know about dancing. The captain, asked with computer, Define dancing? That movie is so great and they are living in different world. Its amazing. Dance is a performance art consisting of purposefully selected scenes of human movement. The movement has aesthetic and symbolic value, and is accepted as a dance by artists and observers within a particular culture.  Dance can be classified by its choreography and can be described by demonstrations of movements, or at its historical period or place. Original.

An important distinction has to be drawn between references to theatrical and participatory dances,  although these two categories are not always completely different; Both can have special functions, whether social, formal, competitive, erotic, martial, or sacred / literary. Other forms of human movement are sometimes called dance-like quality, including martial arts, gymnastics, cheerleading, figure skating, synchronized swimming, marching bands, and many other forms of athletics.

Theatrical dance, also known as a performance or concert dance, is performed primarily as a spectacle, usually performed by chromosome dancers on a stage. It often tells a story, perhaps using mimes, costumes and visuals, or it can only explain musical accompaniment, often composed exclusively. Examples are western ballet and modern dance, classical Indian dance and Chinese and Japanese song and dance drama. Most classical forms focus on dance alone, but performance dance can also appear in opera and other forms of musical theater.

Participatory dance, on the other hand, whether it is folk dance, social dance, group dance such as line, circle, series or square dance, or participant dance such as is common in Western Western ballroom dance, is initiated. Primarily for a general purpose, such as social interaction or exercise, for the audience rather than the participants. Such dances are rarely a fiction. A group dance and a corps de ballet, a social companion dance and a dice de dukes, vary deeply. Even a solo dance can be performed only to the satisfaction of the dancer. Participant dancers often all employ the same movements and stages but, for example, in the stuttering culture of electronic dance music, huge crowds may engage in free dance, which is uncooperative with those around them. On the other hand, some cultures have strict rules in the form of special dances, in which, for example, men, women and children should participate.

Archaeological evidences for the early dance include dance figures, dated c, in the rock shelters of Bhimbetka and Egyptian tomb paintings dating back 9,000 years in India. 3300 BC It has been proposed that before the invention of written languages, dance was an important part of oral and performance methods of passing stories from one generation to another. The use of dance in ecstatic trance states and medical rituals (as seen in many contemporary "primitive" cultures, from the Brazilian rainforest to the Kalahari desert) is believed to be another early factor in the social development of dance . 

References to dance can be found very early in recorded history; The Greek dance (Horos) is mentioned by Plato, Aristotle, Plutarch and Lucian.  The Bible and the Talmud refer to many events related to dance, and contain more than 30 different dance words.  In Chinese pottery as early as the Neolithic period, groups of people are represented dancing in a line holding hands,  and the earliest Chinese word for "dance" was written in Oracle bones is.  The dance is further described in Lushi Chankyou.  In ancient China, primitive dance was associated with sorcery and shameful rituals.

During the first millennium BCE in India, many texts were composed that attempted to codify aspects of daily life. Bharata Muni's Natyashastra (literally "text of theatricality") is one of the earlier texts. It mainly deals with drama, in which dance plays an important role in Indian culture. It classifies dance into four types - secular, ritual, abstract and, interpretive - and into four regional varieties. The text elaborates various hand-gestures (mudras) and classifies the movements of various limbs, steps and so on. Since modern times, there has been a strong continuous tradition of dance in India, where it plays a role in culture, rituals and especially in the Bollywood entertainment industry. Many other contemporary dance forms can also be seen as historical, traditional, formal and ethnic dances.

The dance is generally, although not exclusively, performed to the accompaniment of music and may or may not be performed in time for such music. Some dances (such as tap dance) may provide their own audio accompaniment in place of (or in addition to) music. Many early forms of music and dance were composed for each other and are often performed together. Notable examples of traditional dance / music couplings include jig, waltz, tango, disco and salsa.

Rhythm and dance have a deep connection in history and practice. American dancer Ted Shawn wrote; "The concept of rhythm that underlies all studies of dance is something we can talk about forever, and still not finish."  A musical rhythm requires two main elements; The first is a regularly repeated pulse (also called "beat" or "tactus") that establishes a pattern of tempo and, second, a pattern of accents and rists that establish the character of the meter or the original rhythmic pattern is. The original pulse is approximately equal to the duration of a simple step or gesture.

Dances usually have a specific tempo and rhythmic pattern. Tango, for example, is usually danced in 2
4 times around 66 beats per minute. The original slow step, called "slow", lasts for one beat, so that a full "right-left" step equals a 2
4 measures. The dance's original back and forth moves are counted as "slow-quick" - while many additional figures are counted as "slow-quick-quick". 

Just as musical rhythms are defined by a pattern of strong and weak beats, repetitive body movements often depend on "strong" and "weak" muscle movements. Given this choice of forward-backward and rise-and-fall along with the bilateral symmetry of the human body, it is but natural that many dances and a lot of music are in duplex and quadrangular meters. However, some movements like this require more time in one stage than in another - such as a hammer requiring more time to bounce - some dance rhythms equally naturally in the triple meter Fall.  Sometimes, in Balkan folk dances, dance traditions rely on more complex rhythms. In addition, complex dances composed of a fixed sequence of steps always require phrases and melodies of a certain length with that sequence.

The very act of dancing, the steps themselves, produce a "primal skeleton of rhythmic beats" that must precede any different musical accompaniment, while dancing itself, as much as music, requires time-keeping  simply utilitarian Some of the quality of the dance as they become refined during repetitive movements such as walking, running and digging. 

Consistency of music originated first in dance, so that the ancient Egyptians attributed the origin of the dance to the divine Athotus, who was said to have accompanied the rituals of music to move the participants rhythmically and in proportional measure. Movements caused. The same idea, the dance that emanates from the rhythms of music, is still found in the Renaissance in the works of Dancing Master Guglielmo Ibero da Pesaro in Europe, who speaks of dance as a physical movement that arises and Inward expresses, the spiritual motion "agrees with the measures. And the perfect communion of harmony" which falls on the ear of a human being,  whereas, before that, MacDeild of Magdybild had called Jesus. Su capturing the dance as a symbol of sacred life, saying "I have piped and you have not danced",  writes;

As shown above, dance has been represented through the ages as has yet emerged as a reaction to music, as stated by Lincoln Kerstein, it is at least likely that primitive music originated from dance . Sean concert, stating that dance was "the first art of mankind, and the matrix from which all other arts grew" and that "in our poetry even today the meter is the result of the accents required by body movement, as in" dance. And singing was performed simultaneously "  an emphasis somewhat supported by the common use of the word" foot "to describe the fundamental rhythmic units of poetry.

Scholes, not a dancer, but a musician, provides support for this scene, stating that the music's static measure, in terms of two, three or four beats, has its equal and balanced phrases, regular rhythms, contrast and Repetition can all be attributed to the "impassable" effect of dance on music. 

Primarily mi Jacques-Dulcroz, primarily a musician and teacher, relates how a study of pianists' physical movements led them to "discover that musical sensations of a rhythmic nature call for the whole organism's muscular and nervous response." Tends to "develop". Regulating nerve responses and affecting the coordination of muscles and nerves Designed a special training "and finally" to find out the relationship between the art "of music art and dance, which he adapted his system lore. He concludes that "the rhythm of music is only to express emotion involuntarily and involuntarily in the tone of motion and dynamics". 

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