Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Missed Calls


It is not received call, when a telephone perform intentionally or by mistake . It is horrible when some in danger but receiver do not receive the telephone. Sometimes , someone wants to bluff the person then they will perform missed calls. It will let people to angry. In lovers when lover missed call to his or her they get playing around by missed calls and saying so sorry by not receiving phone calls.

Missed calls have been adopted as a method of mobile permission marketing, known as missed call marketing (MCM).  MCM campaigns take advantage of how cellular providers can deliver unlimited incoming calls and text messages: advertisements contain instructions for customers to make missed calls to a particular number. The number can be configured to automatically hang the caller when dialing.  The number then returns calls or texts with supplementary material, such as product information, offers, or sponsored celebrity messages. Advertisers can retain callers' phone numbers to create customer databases, which can be used for future engagement and analytics. 

MCM is a major practice in India, where it appeals to the country's cultural and economic environment. At least 90% of all cellular phone users in India are on prepaid services, feature phones are still common,  Internet access is not widely available in some rural areas , And following is market penetration for mobile broadband services.  Along with advertising, missed call numbers are also used for other services, such as telephone banking, as well as program listings and viewer votes by television channels. 

There are several companies that specialize in MCM, including Flashcall, VivaConnect, and Zipdial. The zipdial was popularized by cricket scores and missed call services for Anna Hazare's anti-corruption movement; The company was acquired by Twitter in 2015 for a price between US $ 20 and $ 40 million, after serving more than 415 million calls in its first three years of operation.  In 2014, social networking service Facebook announced that it would support missed call numbers as an ad format, with its advertisements in emerging markets such as Brazil, India, Indonesia and South Africa. As part of the effort to grow the business. The company partnered with ZipDial and later VivonConnect to offer this service. 

In 2013, Hindustan Unilever launched Cannes Khajura Tesan (earworm radio), a missed call service that plays blocks of Hindi entertainment content (such as Bollywood music and devotionals), intercepted with advertisements for the company's brands is. Unilever aimed the service as a way to engage consumers in markets unaware of media and Internet communications (such as Bihar, where the service was described as the state's most popular "radio station"); By 2015, it had achieved 200 million raids. Companies that are not direct rivals of Unilever were also allowed to advertise on the service;  The campaign to promote the film Singham Returns through Cannes Khajura Tesan generated 1 calls million calls.  In 2014, Kan Khajura Tesan earned two Gold Cannes Lions in the media for "using audio" and "using mobile devices", and a third in mobile for "response / real time activity". In 2015, the campaign won the Bronze Lion for "Creative Effectiveness". 

MCM has faced criticism; Purani warned that "as the misuse of advertising leads to direct mail and telemarketing contributing to problems related to spamming, MCM runs the risk of being ingrained into marketing tools by a large number of phone users."  High-end brand. MCMs are considered unsuitable to target their respective markets.  Flashcall found that the concept was not viable in areas where missed calls were not an established social practice, such as the United States (where smartphones and mobile broadband are widely available). 

During the Indian anti-corruption movement in 2011, citizens could support Anna Hazare's campaign through a zip code. The number received 4.5 million calls, significantly increasing the number of Facebook likes and Twitter retweets that campaign posts received online. 

In January 2013, a protest was held against high mobile Internet rates in Bangladesh, with protesters exchanging millions of missed calls in an attempt to overload the cellular network simultaneously.

In 2014, the Aam Aadmi Party of India used missed call numbers for its recruitment drive. In less than a month, the line was used to recruit 700,000 new members. 

On 31 January 2016, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi's monthly radio address Mann Ki Baat became available on the phone through a missed call number. A government official said that from 31 January to 23 February 2016, more than 30 million calls were made, and 20 million unique calls were returned.

Missed calls have been used for fraudulent purposes in a scam called "Wangiri" or "One Ring and Cut". A scammer leaves a missed call using an international premium rate phone number, which tempts the recipient to call back and is charged as such.

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